Prismatica to Glow in Scottsdale

Scottsdale Public Art and the City of Scottsdale’s holiday celebration Scottsdazzle have partnered to bring the interactive artwork PRISMATICA to the Scottsdale Waterfront, Nov. 24, 2017 – Jan. 7, 2018.
Prismatica is a series of 25 kinetic, glowing prism sculptures that play bell music when rotated. Each prism is more than six feet tall and has panels covered with a dichroic film that reflects all the colors of the rainbow throughout the day and at night.
The Prismatica sculptures will be dispersed throughout the Scottsdale Waterfront as an added visual element during the events of Scottsdazzle. As members of the public gather for Scottsdale’s featured holiday events this season, they will be invited to walk among a gallery of kaleidoscopic prisms and spin them to create a performance of sound, color and light.
Prismatica was created by Toronto-based architecture and design firm RAW Design, and first exhibited at Luminothérapie, Montreal, Canada. The installation in currently owned by Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles, with current and future installations of Prismatica managed by Creos.
Nov. 24, 2017 – Jan. 7, 2018
Scottsdale Waterfront, 7150 E. Camelback Road, Scottsdale
For more information, visit